The Summer Postcard....which one?

Tani greets the morning sun….

Tani greets the morning sun….


That beautiful season the Summer!

Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;

And the landscape

Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hello and Happy July!

I hope this note finds you healthy and well.

Life around Tahilla Farm is pretty quiet at the moment. We had a deluge of rain the past few days which was absolutely liberating! A few days off from dragging hoses around the property to water the gardens was a treat. My task this afternoon is to send off this post and retreat to the garden to snip the recent flush of blooms. I imagine that will involve chasing our puppy, Tani, out of the garden too!

I am putting together a Tahilla Farm summer postcard collection and would appreciate your thoughts. As usual, I can’t decide. If you have the time, I would love your opinion. Which photos resonate with you? Feel free to write to me or leave a comment below with your preferences.

While you are at it, if you would like a postcard, you can let me know that too!


Before I wander off to the garden…I had a little glitch with my last blog post and it never made out of the starting gate into your inbox. If you would like to read The Natural Way of Things for tips and ideas around the garden, please visit here.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Happy 4th of July!

Jeanne xx


My Summer Shopping List


The Natural Way of Things…