Tears, Flowers and a Wet Dog....

June 16, 2023

I just finished watching Queen Charlotte for the second time, crying at the end just as much as I did the first time I watched it on the flight from Boston to London a few weeks ago. The result was my teary, blotchy face mess when we arrived at Heathrow Airport. You think I would have learned my lesson, but I didn’t. I watched Daisy Jones and the Six on our return flight to Boston. Once again, I was a blubbering wreck. I am such a sap; it doesn’t take much for me to well up. Imagine my surprise when Mr. H suggested it was a good time to finish processing our Global Entry Card for U.S. Citizens traveling into the United States. All we had to do was answer a few questions and have our photo taken. The result arrived in this week's post (trust me, you do not want to see it). All I can say is that I feel sorry for anyone who has to view it. I have nicknamed it the “Daisy Jones & Six” photo to remind myself I have an excuse for my appearance. ;) No more teary movies on flights!

On another note, I have not read Daisy Jones and the Six book and heard that I should. Have you read it?

Aside from teary movies, it has been a flowering, blooming week! Our peonies are out, hurrah! I attended a floral design workshop and had a lot of fun. I admit, my Virgo perfectionism got the better of me, and I gave up on my floral bouquet in exasperation, but I did manage to go home with a basket full of peonies to try again…and I will, soon. Promise.

I went along to two of my favorite nurseries in Vermont to buy plants today. I highly recommend Walker Farm and The Bunker Farm. I always manage to find just what I am looking for, with a few extra surprises along the way. I love visiting small farms with an honor system for paying; I take great care in ensuring I get everything right. When I arrived home and popped open my trunk, Mr. H laughed and remarked, “More flowers?” I promised him it was my last nursery run, and it will be. Promise.

It has been raining off and on all week; Tani loves it, and I am happy for all the flowers I have planted. I am trying to ween myself off annuals and focus on perennials this year. I am also enjoying Mr. H’s curious mowing design for our yard. We have circles of unmowed grass, something he picked up on our day at Kew Gardens in London. I rolled our hammock into the middle of one patch to rest in the wildness of it all.

I have not been as successful as I would have liked editing my photos from our trip to London, hence my delay in finishing the blog posts of our London journey. I promised myself I would do it this weekend.

Mr. H and i are working on our plans for our upcoming family reunion. One of them is a scavenger hunt for our five-year-old grandson. I am adding a heart stone I found along the edge of our brook. I will write his name on it and hide it in a good spot. This weekend I plan to make a forest-themed cake. I do not know what it will look like, but the possibilities are intriguing. I hope I do better with the cake than the floral bouquet!

Thank you for stopping by and reading #16 of my 30-day June Writing Series.

Happy Weekend to all!

Jeanne :))



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