September by the Sea...

Have you ever wished to be somewhere else…for just a little while?

When I spotted the painting above by the talented  Lisa True Grady, @truecapecodart I wished I could be in this little spot by the sea on Cape Cod.

I commented on her Instagram page when she posted it, “Ohhh….just me and the month of September in that spot. How divine that would be!”

It did not take me long to start dreaming of this painting, calling up my childhood life by the sea and thinking about what I might bring and do on a solitary journey.

Lisa said, “ A backpack of books, an old sweater, jeans, and a bucket hat. I haven’t figured out the food bit yet, except good chocolate.”

I added to the essential “C’s,” “charcuterie, chocolate, and champagne!”

My mind drifted for a few days, thinking about what a month along a beach might look like. What would I do? What would I bring? Would it be a solitary journey, or would I invite others in?

I put together a mood board of my daydreaming world. I would add a cashmere wrap to Lisa's list, my writing essentials: journal, pencils, laptop, and a few of my favorite authors for inspiration.

I am in a Virginia Woolf state of mind these days, revisiting To the Lighthouse. I would add May Sarton, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Hemingway, and copies of Devorgilla Days by Kathleen Heart and Phosphoresnce by Julia Baird to my book bag. Write, sketch, rest, swim, and collect seashells by the seashore would be my mantra.

Can it be any easier?

I invite you to imagine your own September by the Sea…

How would you feed your creative spirit?

Where would you go?

Alone or with another?

What would you pack?

Let your mind wander. Create a mood board, visit the library, sketch out a list, and do whatever it takes to slip into the feeling. Feel free to drop me a line or comment below. I always love to hear from you.

Here is something to get you started…. hopefully, you will feel sand between your toes as you tug a layer around your shoulders while leaning into a salty sea breeze.


Special thanks to Lisa, my kindred Virgo friend, for inspiring me. This isn’t the first time Lisa has inspired me; she also found Tahilla Farm for me! I love this blogging world.

You can find Lisa on Instagram @truecapecodart and @ourplaceoncapecod
Tell her Jeanne sent you!


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