What I learned at the Chelsea Flower Show


Tahilla Farm style….


Sunday, June 4 6:33 pm

I had a blog post rolling along in my mind all day, in tune with the wheels on my garden cart. I was going to call it “All the Things I Learned at the Chelsea Flower Show.” Then I thought, who has time to read all that in one post?? With a commitment to write every day in the month of June, it will be a cinch to cover it all.

Today I want to talk about container gardening. To put it simply, I am bored with my container arrangements. I went along to our local nursery the other day, looked around, sighed, and thought, “Dull, dull, dull.” I blame the Chelsea Flower Show. But the good news is I have other choices and plan to embrace them fully.

I learned that everything goes; if you want to grow grass, weeds, or plant a single beetroot plant in a pot just because you love beetroot, then do it. Love just lavender? Plant a couple and tuck some moss in with them. Love just lettuce in all shades of red and green? Plant it in a pot. The trick is to plant them in manageable size pots so you can move them indoors or out. Use them as a table decoration or in a grouping in your garden. Do what makes you happy. Embrace what feels right to you.

I love seeing a collection of pots sitting on an outdoor table, as I did in the photo above. I should note that Mr. H is in rewilding mode, which he fully embraced at the Show. Hence the wildness growing under the table.

Simple terracotta pots and giant urns are popular choices in England; fortunately, I have them in spades from our days living in Vietnam. This is what I snapped on our travels for my inspiration board.


I plan to play around with a few ideas. Mr. H and I are aiming for a stress-free gardening experience this summer. We drastically reduced the areas we usually mow, bringing the meadows closer to the house and cutting paths where we want to walk. We can already feel the difference; breathing into nature has its rewards.

I must remind myself to tell you what Mr. H thought of the Chelsea Flower Show….or what I thought about bringing him along with me. ;)

Next time!

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or write to me.

Until tomorrow…

Jeanne :))



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